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Showing posts from March, 2013

c programming examples

1. main() { } ======================== 2. void main() { } ======================== 3. int main() { return 0; } ======================== 4. int main () { printf ("Welcome to C language"); return 0; } ======================== 5. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main () { clrscr(); printf (“Welcome to C language”); return 0; } ======================== 6. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main () { clrscr(); printf (“Welcome to C language”); getch(); retun 0; } ======================== String: strlen() #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { char str[30]="C PROGRAMMING"; clrscr(); printf("\n\nstr : %s\n\n",str); printf("\nLength of the st...

Turbo C++ Integrated Development Environment

               IDE is nothing but Integrated Development Environment in which one can develop, run, test and debug the application. The  Turbo C++ IDE  appears as shown in figure.                The C Developing Environment is a screen display with windows and pull-down menus. The program listing, error messages and other information are displayed in separate windows. The menus may be used to invoke all the operations necessary to develop the program, including editing, compiling, linking, and debugging and program execution. If the menu bar is inactive, it may be invoked by pressing the [F10] function key. To select different menu, move the highlight left or right with cursor (arrow) keys. You can also revoke the selection by pressing the key combination for the specific menu. Invoking the Turbo C IDE     ...

ANPR(Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Using ALR(Automatic Line Tracking Robot)

It is almost known that the world is nowadays being more dependent in the computer than the human manpower. Today in the developed countries more than 90% of the job is done by automated system and this is due to the accuracy, reliability and versatile nature of the computer. In the developed western countries many big factories, nuclear plants, communication centers all of them are under the control of the computer because that’s not the place where human hand can reach up. To add the further mile for this step we have presented an automated number plate recognition using automatic line tracking robot. The  project is based on image processing technology using popular software MATLAB.          The ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) using ALR (Automatic line  Tracking Robot) is a system designed to help in recognition of number plates of vehicles. This system is designed for the purpose of the security and it is a security system...
Sharath Raj